Handheld Air Quality monitor

The Ranger is a lightweight handheld monitor for on-site monitoring of particulates and gasses.

Select option:

STEP 1 - Powering on Ranger
Press the POWER button to power on the instrument.
An LED will illuminate on the front of the display.
Please wait 15 seconds for the start-up sequence to complete.
From the splash screen, press ANY BUTTON to proceed.

STEP 2 - Powering off ranger
Press and hold the POWER button for five (5) seconds.
Please wait for the shut-down screen to appear.
The instrument will now power off.
In the event the instrument experiences an irrecoverable failure, a hard reset can be performed by holding the POWER BUTTON and DOWN ARROW simultaneously for 20 seconds.
STEP 3 - Main screen
Upon startup, the main data display page will be shown.
The main screen contains real-time measurement data coming from the sensor head connected to the instrument. On the top, it displays time, recording status, Wi-Fi connection status, and battery/charging status. On the bottom, it displays Location ID and date.
Press the LEFT and RIGHT ARROWS to navigate between Summary, Detail, and AQI display screens.
The AQI screen is available only while using the PMX sensor head.

Step 4 - Data and AQI Screens
If the sensor head can measure more than one parameter, then a Detail screen is available for each parameter.
Scroll through each parameter's Detail screen by using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows.
An Air Quality Index (AQI) will be visible if the AQI feature is turned On
Scroll through the AQI screens by using the LEFT and RIGHT arrows.
The AQI screen is only available while using the PMX sensor head.
Step 5 - Configure Settings
To enter the settings menu, press and hold the LEFT ARROW.
To exit the settings menu, press and hold the LEFT ARROW
For more details, visit the Settings guide provided by Aeroqual

Step 6 - Data logging
To start and stop Logging from the Main Screen, press and hold the CENTER BUTTON.
As long as logging is enabled, a red circle will appear at the top of the Main screen.